About You Consulting was established through the recent changes within and across the disability sector since the pioneering introduction of the NDIS, the most important social services policy change since the introduction of Medicare in the 1980’s.

Open Collaboration

You are the center of your plan, so we will always have personal conversations with you to ensure you are included in every decision.

Personable Team

We pride ourselves on being easy to talk to and accepting of all people. We will always go above and beyond to cater to your every need.

Our Vision

The Team at About You Consulting have a vision of providing services “to you”, “for you” and “with you”. We are authentic in our practice, whether it be Support Coordination, Allied Health or Positive Behaviour Support. We will always, and at every step, collaborate with you to meet your needs, in a way that allows you to determine your own future life directions.

Our Values

The Art of We at About You Consulting’s Practice is composed of

  • Integrity
  • Innovation
  • Lived experience
  • The understanding that it takes a village to raise a child;

We will not try and convince you that we are the service for you – we SHOW you, through our Practice, that we are the service for you.

About us


About You Consulting was established through the recent changes within and across the disability sector since the pioneering introduction of the NDIS, the most important social services policy change since the introduction of Medicare in the 1980’s. The core of the NDIS is that it is an entitlement scheme, all Australian citizen’s are ‘entitled’ to access the scheme. This in itself, not only provides for the provision of services through funding but most importantly, changes the decision making dynamic, and how the participant can gain and/or maintain control of their services and ultimately over their lives.

Janine Allen (Founding Director) brings to the establishment of About You Consulting a breadth and depth of professional practice experience across the disability sector, but also a sound understanding and expertise of the lived experience. Janine subsequently has exclusively selected an elite group of practitioners to work with you, our client. Janine’s expertise has developed sound processes and procedures for ensuring high quality work, thereby, combining the Art and the Science of disability practices, to deliver a suite of services to support you.

AYCs Integrated Collaboration Model



An innovative approach aimed at assisting boutique Implementation Providers in meeting compliance requirements and managing restrictive practices.

What We Offer:

  • Assess participants for utilisation of Restrictive Practices.

  • Specialist assessment of participants for possible Chemical Restraint.

  • Evaluation of existing restrictive practices to determine their necessity and least restrictive options.

  • Comprehensive assessments involving observations, interviews, and consultations with medical professionals.

  • Development of Non-Restrictive Positive Behaviour Support Plans if deemed beneficial.
  • Assist with development of QCAT applications and provide guidance for decision makers/implementing Provider.
  • Completion of QCAT applications matters (general and respite) if necssary.
  • Representation at QCAT hearings alongside the applicant if required.
  • Management of portal and reporting;
  • Oversee conversations with individual practitioners providing services into your organisation;
  • Review of participant implementation.

Additional Services

(@hourly rate):

Development  of Non-Restrictive PBSP.

RP Training sessions for support teams.

Behaviour Training for support teams.

Terms of Service:

Hourly Rate: $250 + GST

1 hr/week based on an annual & ongoing contractual arrangement.

For Inquiries and bookings

please contact us at

0499 803 830


Behavioural Support

Key Messages of Behaviour Support


The primary aim of Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is to improve the quality of a person’s life and that of the people around them. PBS should functionally provide the right support for a person, their family and friends, to help people lead a meaningful life and learn new skills without unnecessary restrictions. It is not simply about getting rid of problematic behaviour.


What is positive Behaviour Support?


PBS is a framework for providing long term support to people living with a range of disability’s, including but not limited to developmental disability, autism, and mental health concerns, who have, or may be at risk of developing, behaviours that challenge. 

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) approaches are based on a set of overarching values:

  • Inclusion

  • Choice

  • Participation

  • Equality of opportunity


The PBS framework helps us understand the reason for the behaviour so:

  • we can better meet people’s needs

  • enhance their quality of life

  • reduce the likelihood that the behaviour will happen again


The PBS framework:

  • considers the person and his or her life circumstances as a whole, including physical health and emotional needs, such as the impact of any traumatic or adverse life events and mental illness;

  • reduces the likelihood of behaviours that challenge occurring by creating physical and social environments that are supportive and capable of meeting people’s needs;

  • is proactive and preventative, and aims to teach people new skills to replace behaviours that challenge – and other skills that enhance the opportunities people have for independent, interesting and meaningful lives;

  • is likely to involve input from different professionals and include multiple evidence based approaches and treatments that come from a shared value base and are provided in a coordinated and person centered manner. These may include trauma informed care, autism specific approaches, active support and other appropriate interventions that support physical, and mental health and wellbeing.


Support Coordination

About you consulting key messages for support coordination:

Support Coordination – Coordination of Supports:
About You Consulting Support Coordination Team philosophy is to provide a service that is invested in supporting you to unlock and reveal your ambitions and desires.
The NDIS process can be overwhelming – our task is to make sense of it all for you. Implementation of your plan involves many and varied decisions, and we will walk alongside you to assist choice making and decisions. Some of these decisions may include:

  • Which providers will deliver which supports? Do you have a preferred providers or do you need help researching the right provider for you?
  • Where should you prioritize funding to get the best possible outcomes?
  • What are you looking for in a support staff?
    These choices and decisions can drastically impact your NDIS experience. Therefore, having a highly experienced and high quality Support Coordinator makes all the difference, by viewing situations from all angles, and making sure your values are the priority.

What makes us a high quality Support Coordination Team?

  • Adhere to the NDIS Code of Conduct;
  • We are savvy in NDIS speak;
  • Are flexible, adaptable and versatile;
  • Are compassionate;
  • Focused on the specific goals of our clients;
  • Independent tenacious in our pursuit of appropriate outcomes for our client;
  • Work within the NDIS framework;


When looking for the right Support Coordinator for you, consider the following, and whether we can meet your needs:

  • Experience with or knowledge of my disability?
  • What specialist knowledge do you have that could assist me? (This may be age-specific knowledge, understanding of the school system or transitioning to work, language or cultural understanding, or community services experience).
  • What ideas do you have in mind so that I can work towards my goals?
  • How will you work alongside me to achieve my goals and outcomes?
  • How will you teach me to support myself?
  • What does my success look like to you?







ADvanced Behaviour Support Practitioner

Janine has a vast experience in behavioural intervention for people who have a diagnosis such as:

  • Smith-Magenis Syndrome

  • Depression

  • Schizophrenia

  • Bipolar-Disorder

  • Cri Du Chat Syndrome

  • Acquired Brain Injury

  • Attention Hyperactivity Deficit Disorder

  • Autism

  • Sensory Processing Disorder

  • Anxiety Disorder

  • Prader-Willi Syndrome

  • Misophonia

  • Intellectual Impairment

  • Charge Syndrome

  • Longitudinal Training on Assessment and Analysis of Severe and Challenging Behaviour; The Institute for Applied Behavioural Analysis (2007)
  • Non-aversive Behaviour Support & Basic Principals of Positive Programming; The Institute for Applied Behavioural Analysis (2007)
  • Comprehensive Functional Assessment & Advanced Support Strategies; The Institute for Applied Behavioural Analysis (2007)
  • Emergency Management and Reactive Strategies Within a Non-aversive Framework; The Institute for Applied Behavioural Analysis (2007)
  • Assuring Staff Consistency and the Provision of Quality Services; The Institute for Applied Behavioural Analysis (2007)
  • Optimal Individual Service Design; Dr Michael Kendrick (2009)
  • Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (2009)
  • Non-Violent Crisis Intervention facilitation (2012)
  • Non-Violent Crisis Intervention Advanced facilitation – Autism (2012)
  • Diploma in Disabilities (2013)
  • MAYBO Conflict Management facilitation (2015)
  • MAYBO Physical Intervention facilitation (2015)
  • Behaviour Support Plan Quality Evaluation Scoring Guide (BSPQEII); Centre of Excellence (2016)
  • Currently studying Bachelor in Social Science (Psychology)
  • Working in the community services sector since 1987
  • Working with Behaviour Support and Restrictive Practice matters since 2007

Since completing training in Assessment and Analysis of Severe and Challenging Behaviour with the Institute of Applied Behaviour Analysis in 2007, Janine has been developing Positive Behaviour Support Plans (PBSP) for a diverse group of people. Janine brings a wealth of knowledge in relation to Restrictive Practices from her years of work as a Senior Practitioner for one of the largest service providers in Queensland.


If I was a type of Cheese I would be parmesan cheese, as I appreciate the consistency of how it always enhances the food you are eating. I can come across as strong and opinionated, and I consistently rely on my instincts. People recognize that I like to be organized and thrive on setting goals.




Specialist Behaviour Support Practitioner

  • Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Major in Indigenous Health) (SCU current)
  • Doctor of Health Science (QUT);
  • Master of Mental Health (Psychotherapy) (UQ);
  • Master of Health Science (Developmental Disability and ASD) (USyd);
  • Bachelor of Social Science (Disability and Families) (ECU);
  • Graduate Certificate in Criminology (Forensic Disability) (UoM);
  • Advanced Clinical Supervision (GTB);

Dr. Fiona J Davis has clinical expertise spanning more than 30 years in the disability sector and is deeply committed to supporting the individual human rights of people with whom she works. Fiona’s areas of specialty include Positive Behaviour Support, Dual Diagnosis (MH/ID-DD/ABI), mental health interventions, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Intellectual Disability/Cognitive Impairment, and Neurological and other developmental delays. Fiona understands the lived experience of disability and the journey that families have taken – this element builds a sophistication into her practice that is inherently embedded within her style. Fiona has extensive practice and clinical expertise, has worked across Australia in a range of roles and combines her skills and experience to achieve the best possible result for an individual. Fiona is a vehement advocate for vulnerable persons of all ages, who live with disabilities/disorders, in particular around their human rights and their inherent right to live a typical life across and within their communities. Fiona’s key message is ‘translation to practice’ for the benefit of the person.

Fiona has worked at the Centre of Excellence for Clinical Innovation and Behaviour Support, has worked alongside the Director of Forensic Disability and most importantly in senior clinical and practice quality roles across a range of disability organizations. Fiona is known for her rigorous and all-encompassing Positive Behaviour Support practice, in particular for those person’s who experience a range of significant complexities not only in their lifestyle but also relative to their disability.

Fiona is one of those practitioner’s who ‘sits with you’ and ‘nuts out’ solutions that will meet your needs throughout her services. Fiona typically receives referrals by word of mouth, for this exact reason. Fiona prefers to develop long-term connectedness with her clients – it allows for innovative and creative solutions, but also fluidity in communication and supports.

If I was a type of Cheese I would be Haloumi – flavorsome, salty, always a surprise!

Carolyn Gregurke

Support Coordinator


Carolyn Gregurke has extensive experience in the Disability Sector having worked with people with disabilities including mental health for over 30 years.

Carolyn has both a Diploma of Community Services and a Certificate IV in Mental Health, she has previous employment history with Centre Based Hubs & Community Support, DES Employment, Supported Independent Living (SIL) and PHaMs – Mental Health Case Management.

Carolyn’s roles involved direct management, planning and maintaining services that supports positive relationships for  a diverse range of people with Disabilities and Mental Health. Carolyn is passionate about maintaining purposeful networking in the local Brisbane community to support participants to live meaningful and fulfilling lives to achieve their life goals.

If I was a type of Cheese I would be Aged cheddar. Strong and reliable.

NED Higgins

Support Coordinator

Leigh De Silver

Behavior Support Practitioner

Zhinus Haghseresht

Behavior Support Practitioner

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